
Necessary IT Department Roles


Are you starting a new business that needs computer support? Do you need to modernize your business but have no idea what to hire outside of a "computer expert" or "programmer?" There are a lot of specializations, but even specialists may be skilled enough at different parts of Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS) to be an expert for your business. Instead of aiming too high and bringing an engineer in to fix a computer or aiming too low by giving a help desk novice control of an entire network, here are a few roles to consider for businesses that are new to the tech industry.

3 November 2017

Understanding The Top Business Telephone System Options


When setting up an office, one important aspect is implementing a business telephone system. Even in this digital age, it is still essential for customers and clients to be able to get in touch with a company via phone when needed. As you're considering your business telephone options, you will have several choices, including: Traditional Landline System As a company, you may elect to have a traditional landline system installed. These systems rely on the technology that has been around for many years and are typically operated by a local or regional phone company.

19 September 2017

The Responsibilities Of Your Staff Throughout The Data Migration Process


If a data migration process is not a success, you may find that your company is suddenly not able to function properly. Those who need data are simply not provided with it. This could prevent your company from operating efficiently or from serving the customers.  Know Who Will Use The Data When initiating a data migration process, one of the largest mistakes is that those carrying out data migration will not take into consideration the end users who will utilize the data.

20 August 2017

Why You Need A Business Phone System


When a business does well, it usually leads to more customers calling in with inquiries or to place orders. It is important for your employees to provide high-quality service when customers call in, as poor service can ruin your business reputation. If your current phone rings off the hook and is becoming difficult to manage, it might be time to invest in opening a small call center. You will need to upgrade the type of phones that are being used, such as by upgrading to a business phone system that offers numerous useful features.

26 July 2017

Own A Small Business? Why You Should Utilize Client Satisfaction Software


If you're a small business owner, you likely understand that the key to growing your enterprise is gaining a larger clientele.  You need your customers to regularly patronize your business so that you can use the profits you gain to expand and enter new markets.  However, a large part of maintaining your customers has to do with their level of satisfaction with your products or services.  You need to know how your patrons feel so that you can make the necessary adjustments; however, you might not know how to go about getting their opinion.

9 July 2017

Slow App Performance? It Might Not Be Your Computer


Apple's Mac line of desktop and laptop computers are known for taking a lot of the technical expertise requirements out of computers, but they're hardly perfect. There are some issues that can't be ironed out by quality control (QC) alone, and if you're into exploring the vast world of apps, you need to know that you're entering a largely indie (independent creator) world. To understand the problems that come from exploring all that the iTunes app store and other third-party programs available for Mac systems, as well as ways to conquer the issues, here's a few app management and troubleshooting points.

15 June 2017

5 Tips For Improving Accuracy When Using Dragon Naturally Speaking Software


Dragon Naturally Speaking is a type of voice recognition software that can replace typing and help you improve your productivity when using a computer. While Dragon Naturally Speaking has many benefits, there is a learning curve when you first begin using the software. If you're new to using Dragon Naturally Speaking, the following tips can help you improve accuracy when utilizing the software: Dictate Properly One of the most important things you can do to improve accuracy with your voice recognition software is optimize the way that you dictate.

24 May 2017

Own A Non-Profit? Two Tips To Help Simplify The Donation Process


As the owner of a non-profit, you understand how vital it is for you to receive donations from your supporters.  Their help allows you to stay afloat so that you can continue to get the word out about the issues that mean the most to you.  However, although you may have received most of your donations via mail in the past, the Internet is definitely the preferred way for people to send in monies.

26 April 2017

How Are Passwords Compromised?


The world isn't full of world-class spies ready to take secrets from average citizen, and unless you're the leader of a company or protecting government secrets, you're pretty average as far as hackers are concerned. Most password compromises and information theft situations come from traps set for massive numbers of people to exploit the most common weaknesses, and you can protect yourself by not making basic mistakes. Here's some info about password security to make sure your information isn't compromised by basic security flaws.

15 March 2017

Do You Need A Laptop Upgrade Or Just A Cleanup?


If your laptop is moving slowly or clearly stricken with any number of computer viruses, it's best to leave it to a professional. Some performance issues are less obvious, and no matter how often you take your laptop in for repairs, the slow performance and inability to get anything done can keep badgering you. Here are a few ways to figure out if you need another virus removal and/or cleanup, or if it's time to upgrade or replace your system.

8 March 2017